Mission and Vision

Mission (short term objective)

Our goal is to develop a high quality videogame where music, graphics and story are up to the expectations of all our players.

We want to create a world where adventures and fun are the main incentive to play. Accompanying this will be the game's economy, which will allow you to generate goods and obtain assets that you can monetize in the long term as long as you remain active in our community. We want to create a quality community that believes in the project and has the same long-term vision that we have.

Vision (long term objective)

Our vision is to become a benchmark in the development of video games with Blockchain technology and with the ability to build virtual worlds with their own sustainable economies. These economies will have fun and entertainment as their value base.

We also want those players most committed to our virtual worlds to be able to generate income, emulating the current economic system where as a general rule more time/effort equals more reward, only in this case it would be within a virtual world. All the goods you get within a video game can be used in other video games within our multiverse, thus creating a complex and varied ecosystem capable of attracting all types of audiences to ensure the longevity of these.

It won't be quick and it won't be easy, but we have already started this journey in the direction we believe is right to achieve this vision.

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