Important considerations

Heroes Lineage will not be F2P (Free to Play) and will require a minimum investment to start your epic adventure. Currently F2P NFT games attract players who want to make a profit without the need to invest anything up front. If there are too many people making profit and too few people investing, the game and its economy will not be sustainable in the long run. Scholarships and guild partnerships to be implemented for those players who want to join Heroes Lineage adventures but their wallet does not allow it.

To give value to everything related to the game and its gameplay, we want it to be fun and at the same time propose you objectives and challenges to achieve. Investing a lot of effort and resources in the design of the game and its combat system so that you not only play in a lucrative way but also for fun. Having fun playing and finding challenges is the only way to create intrinsic value in the game and its NFTs.

What makes us unique and different?

Heroes Lineage is the first real multiplayer NFT RPG game with the aim to revolutionize this emerging industry.

Creating fun and challenging group content that you can experience with your friends is one of our main objectives. You and your three other friends killed a world boss who dropped a legendary sword and some extra tokens? Go have a cold beer and a nice dinner to celebrate and talk about it! Slip that crypto VISA and plan your next event.

Whether you're a hardcore gamer, a casual player, or just an investor, there's room for you in Heroes Lineage! Keep reading our WhitePaper to delve deeper into what this novel game has to offer. We recommend reading the WhitePaper in order, without jumping to different sections, for a better understanding.

Last updated